Lietuvoje donorystė įvardijama, kaip savanoriškas, kilnus bei neatlygintinas žmogaus apsisprendimas dovanoti savo audinius ir organus kitam asmeniui po mirties. Atliktas tyrimas parodė, kad didžioji dauguma apklaustųjų studentų domisi organų donoryste bei teigiamai ją vertina ir pritaria organų donorystei iš mirusio bei gyvo žmogaus, tačiau didesnė dalis respondentų nėra linkę apie tai kalbėti su artimaisiais. Beveik visi apklaustieji pritaria kraujo donorystei, tačiau mažiau nei pusė yra buvę kraujo donorais. Atlikto tyrimo duomenys atskleidė, kad medicinos fakulteto studentai yra labiau susidomėję ir turi daugiau žinių apie donorystę nei kitų Kauno kolegijos fakultetų studentai. Donorystę lemiantys veiksniai yra šeimos palaikymas, visuomenėje daroma įtaka bei išsilavinimo lygis. Veiksniai, kurie padeda populiarinti donorystę, pasak didžiosios dalies respondentų yra donorystę skatinančių organizacijų rengiami renginiai, informacinė reklaminė medžiaga ir visuomenės informavimo priemonės. Didžioji dalis respondentų įvardija, kad labiausiai skleisti informaciją apie donorystę padėtų televizija ir radijas bei gydymo įstaigose teikiama informacija.
The relevance of the work: the theme of donation is very topical nowadays. In society, the donation of organs is especially supported - even 8 out of 10 people assert they would like to be donors after death (Kalusevičiutė, 2014). However, most people did not register as donors of organs (Millera ir Breakwellb, 2018). According to data of the World Health Organization (WHO), a million of people who do not attain transplantation die every year in the world (Šešok, 2012). Blood donation in society is becoming more and more relevant because the demand for blood transfusion is increasing (Gebresilaseir kt., 2017).
The goal of the work: to reveal the view of Kaunas College students to donation.
Tasks of the work: 1. To describe the conception of donation and its organization in Lithuania; 2. To identify the view of Kaunas College students to donation; 3. To compare the view to the donation of students from Faculty of Medicine of the Kaunas College with the view of students from other faculties; 4. To identify the factors that influence donation.
Study methods: the analysis of scientific literature; questionnaire survey in writing and online using a closed questionnaire, 240 students from Kaunas College were interviewed; statistical data analysis was carried out using the Microsoft Office EXCEL program.
Results and conclusions of the study: In Lithuania, the donation is named as a voluntary, generous and gratuitous decision of a person to donate his tissues and organs to another person after death. The study carried out showed that the majority of students surveyed are interested in the donation of organs, evaluate it positively and approve the donation of organs from dead and alive people, but the greater part of respondents are not inclined to talk to relatives about it. Almost all respondents approve blood donation, however, fewer than half have been blood donors. It was identified that respondents were most stimulated to donate blood by the civic duty and information about the lack of blood in medical institutions. The data of the study that was carried out revealed that students from the Faculty of Medicine are more interested and have more knowledge about donation than students from other Kaunas College Faculties. The factors that determine the donation are family support, influence in society and level of education. According to the vast majority of respondents, factors that help to popularize the donation are events arranged by organizations, that stimulate donation, informational advertising material and media. The vast majority of respondents assert that television and radio and information provided by medical institutions would be the most important ways to spread information about donation