Šiuo darbu siekiama atskleisti slaugytojų veiklą, slaugant pacientus, sergančius ūminiu inkstų nepakankamumu. Literatūrinėje dalyje išskiriamos pagrindinės slaugos problemos, apibrėžiama slaugytojų veikla slaugant ūminiu inkstų nepakankamumu sergančius pacientus. Praktiškai įvertinamos slaugytojų veiklos, siekiama išsiaiškinti ar praktika siejasi su teorinėmis gairėmis
Relevance of the topic: Acute renal failure is a common disorder spread worldwide, associated with high morbidity, mortality, and longer duration of hospitalization. The incidence of acute renal failure amongst patients is between 5% and 22% and mortality is above 50%. General practitioners caring for people with acute renal failure face various problems such as hyperhydration, various disorders of the digestive system, infection, insufficient respiration, endogenous intoxication. F. Murphy and G. Byrne (2013) argue that these and other problems require special nursing care not only with technically performed procedures but also with patient training. Purpose: To reveal the activities of nurses in the care of patients with acute renal failure. Tasks: 1. To distinguish the main care problems in patients with acute renal failure. 2. Define the activities of nurses in the care of patients with acute renal failure. 3. Evaluate nurses' activities in patients with acute renal failure. Empirical Research Methodology: A qualitative retrospective study using semi-structured interviews and content analysis was conducted to reveal the peculiarities of nursing care for patients with acute renal failure. The interview (Appendix 1) consists of 12 open questions. The results of the study: The study revealed that nurses caring for patients with acute renal failure do not follow the fluid balance properly, also do not record weight, do not assess consciousness, do not follow hourly diuresis, as stated in theory. There is too little focus on patient training and specific infection prevention. The main cause of these improper actions is lack of opportunity and time as well as lack of knowledge. Conclusions: The study revealed that nursing care for patients with acute renal failure does not properly evaluate fluid balance, does not record weight parameters, does not always evaluate hourly diuresis or evaluates patient's consciousness. patient training is ineffective. The causes of these problems are: lack of opportunities and knowledge, lack of inventory, high workload and work-sharing problems.