Tyrimo darbo tikslas buvo atskleisti slaugytojų gebėjimą vertinti delyro ištiktus pacientus pooperaciniu laikotarpiu. Atlikus tyrimą paaiškėjo, kad slaugytojai gerai žino rizikos veiksnius ir simptomus, tačiau nemano, kad jie galėtų vertinti delyrą patys. Slaugytojai norėtų papildomų mokymų, kurie būtų orientuoti į pooperacinio delyro valdymo techniką ir jo pasireiškimo išvengimo. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad 28% (N=14) slaugytojų mano, jog neturi pakankamai žinių apie delyrą. 68% (N=34) teigia, jog skyriuose kuriuose jie dirba dažnai susiduria su pooperacinio delyro būsenos pacientais. 92% (N=46) apklaustųjų išreiškė norą į specialius mokymus, kurie suteiktų daugiau žinių apie delyro valdymą. Tolimesnis klausimas kyla, ar būtų galima surengti mokymus, kurie paruoštų slaugytojus delyro vertinimo skalių naudojimui.
Relevance of the topic: Various operations influence the development of postoperative delirium. Early detection of this syndrome can protect patients from longer treatment duration, and recovery from more severe vital activities after surgical procedures (Studentu moksline draugija, 2017).
Work objective: To reveal the ability of nurses to evaluate patients with delirium during the postoperative period.
Research tasks:
1. Describe alternative measures to determine postoperative delirium development.
2. Determine the ability of nurses to recognize delirium.
3. Discuss factors that make it difficult for caregivers to recognize and manage delirium.
4. To reveal the opinion of nurses regarding the need for additional measures (scales) in evaluating delirium.
Object of study: Nurses working in x hospital intensive care units.
Research Methodology: December 2018 an anonymous questionnaire in hospital X was conducted to evaluate the ability of nurses to evaluate postoperative delirium. The work analyzed the scientific literature, a quantitative study was conducted in which data were collected from nurses (N = 50, response rate 73.5).
Results: The study showed that 28% (N = 14) of nurses think they do not have enough knowledge about delirium. 68% (N = 34) states that the departments in which they work often face patients with postoperative delirium. 92% (N = 46) interviewees expressed a desire for special training that would provide more knowledge about delirium management.
Conclusions: Nurses believe that a patient in delirious condition requires extra care and physical and psychological strength. The study showed that caregivers are well aware of the risks and symptoms and are aware of the delirium scales that not used in their workstations. Nurses would like additional training focused on postoperative