Literatūroje buvo aprašoma haliucinozės sindromo samprata, haliucinacijų rūšys, jų etiologija, slaugos praktinė veikla haliucinozės sindromo metu. Tyrimo metu analizuojamos poreikiai bei problemos, su kuriomis susiduria pacientai bei slaugytojai haliucinozės sindromo metu.
The aim - to disclose hallucinosis syndrome in nursing practice based on the experiences of mental health nurses.
Research objectives: 1. Define the concept of hallucinosis syndrome in mental health care. 2. Distinguish patient problems and nursing needs related to hallucinosis syndrome. 3. Distinguish the difficulties experienced by mental health nurses in treating patients with hallucinosis syndrome. 4. Identify significant aspects of nursing care in the practice of nursing care for patients with hallucinosis syndrome.
Methods: To collect the information, several information gathering methods will be used. Qualitative research method will be applied. The experiences of an individual will be revealed using interview method, during which the main questions of the research will be supplemented by other questions. While listening to the audio information, the main topics will be highlighted, which later will be analysed in the sub-topics. The study included 4 mental health nurses as participants.
Research Insights:
1. During hallucinosis, hallucinations of hearing and visual acuity are common, but there may be behavioural, thinking or affective disorders. Patients with this syndrome are not always able to separate hallucinations from reality, so it is important for a mental health nurse to help the patient understand the content of their hallucinations.
2. The main problems for patients with hallucinotic syndrome are related to their own and environmental safety, staying in touch with reality, basic care needs - communication and emotional support for patients and their relatives.
3. When treating patients with hallucinosis syndrome, mental health nurses face psychological difficulties and risk of injury.
4. From the point of view of mental health nurses, in their activities related to the needs of patients with hallucinosis syndrome, the most important factors are their own professionalism, experience to recognize patient hallucinations, ability to react appropriately and manage their own emotions, behaviour, ensuring a safe environment for both patients and nurses themselves, teamwork, non-medical treatment, and educating family.