Literatūrinėje dalyje aprašoma streso samprata, streso požymiai, veiksniai lemiantys stresą, mobingas, profesinis perdegimas, onkologinius pacientus slaugančių slaugytojų patiriamas stresas. Empirinėje dalyje aiškinamasi kaip dažnai slaugytojai patiria stresą, jaučiamus streso ir profesinio perdegimo požymius, stresą keliančius veiksnius bei stresui sumažinti taikomus būdus.
Topic: The factors, symptoms and control of stress experienced by nurses who treat oncology patients.
Relevance of the paper: Scientists are becoming increasingly concerned about the stress experienced by nurses. They are seeking to figure out how to reduce stressors and the negative consequences of stress. Research shows that stress in the workplace causes sleeping disorders, depression and cardiovascular disorders. This research claims that 86% of the nurses, including those working in oncology, are experiencing medium to high levels of occupational burnout and fatigue.
Objective: Determine the factors, symptoms and methods to control stress experienced by nurses who treat oncology patients
Tasks: 1. Define the concept of stress, the stress experienced by nurses who treat oncology patients, its consequences and methods to control it; 2. Determine how stress occurs in nurses who treat oncology patients. Determine what factors cause this stress; 3. Determine methods to overcome stress experienced by nurses who treat oncology patients.
Methods: Analysis of scientific literature, quantitative research (using a questionnaire), the analysis of statistical data using Microsoft Excel software.
Subjects of the research: The research targets nurses who treat oncology patients. 38 subjects have participated in the study.
The paper is made up of two parts: research of theory and empirical research. The research of theory provides a definition of stress, its symptoms, its consequences, methods for control of stress. This part also provides information on the treatment of oncology patients, stress in the workplace, and stress experienced by nurses who treat oncology patients. The empirical research explores how often nurses experience stress in the workplace, their recognized effects of stress and occupational fatigue, the factors which cause stress and the methods used to overcome stress.
Results and conclusions: Nurses who treat oncology patients acknowledge that they experience stress and this stress causes negative consequences on their well-being. Around one-fourth of the subjects often or very often experience the following effects of stress: blood pressure increase, sleeplessness; around one-third of the nurses: increased sweating, back pain and headache. The stress is caused to more than half of the nurses by these stressors: the experiencing of suffering of the patients, death, conflict-seeking patients. Majority of the subjects apply the following
methods in their workplace to reduce stress: walks, conversations with colleagues and friends, discussion and evaluation of experienced conflicts.