Literatūriškai aprašoma delyro samprata, epidemiologija, rizikos veiksniai, išsivystymo priežastys, stadijos, požymiai, tipai, diagnostika, prevencinės priemonės. Tyrimo metu nustatomos intensyviosios terapijos slaugytojų žinios apie delyrą, atsižvelgiant į respondenčių išsilavinimą. Analizuojama slaugytojų nuomonė apie praktinį delyro skalės taikymą slaugoje bei žinių apie delyrą poreikis.
Delirium remains one of the most important unsecured medical needs in healthcare. Undetermined delirium is not treated and can lead to long-term cognitive impairment, slowing recovery, increasing the number of co-complications, mortality, increasing treatment costs. Diagnosis of delirium is effective, but still inadequate in clinical practice, so the higher detection rate of this syndrome remains one of the top priorities.
Research aim - to identify nurses' knowledge about delirium. Research tasks: 1. To describe the concept of delirium and development risk factors. 2. To determine nurses' knowledge about delirium - symptoms, risk factors - taking into account the education of respondents. 3. To analyze the opinion of nurses on the practical application of delirium scales in nursing and the need for knowledge about delirium.
The study carried out an analysis of scientific literature and a qualitative research. Selected method of data collection – a written survey. It was conducted in December 2018, with 67 respondents. Participants in the study were selected by random probability sampling. A questionnaire was selected as the survey instrument, which consisted of 18 questions. Statistical analysis of the survey data was performed using Microsoft Excel 2016 with a Data Analysis function.
Respondents' responses, taking into account their education, were distributed similarly - most of the correct answers were collected by respondents with a university education, decent knowledge was demonstrated by college graduates. The obtained results suggest that the practical experience of nurses with higher education and more comprehensive nursing studies of nurses with higher non-university and university education help to gain more knowledge.
Most nurses in intensive care units have heard about delirium recognition scales, a third are familiar with them. Nurses believe that scales are practical because of the possibility of alerting doctors to the possible development of the syndrome, which would lessen the suffering of a patient, but are impractical due to lack of time. More than half of the respondents’ question whether they would like to use delirium scales in their work, but only a minority of nurses consider delirium recognition scales to be useless. Most intensive care unit nurses have improved their knowledge about delirium in courses, conferences and on their own initiative over the last 3-5 years. Almost all nurses express the need for knowledge about delirium and would like to have periodic training courses.