Literatūros analizėje apibrėžiama perdegimo sindromo samprata, aprašomos perdegimo sindromo atsiradimo priežastys, simptomai, paplitimas pasaulyje bei prevencija. Tyrimo metu nustatomas perdegimo sindromo paplitimas tarp akušerių, dirbančių X ligoninės X ir Y skyriuose. Nustatomi veiksniai, lemiantys perdegimo sindromą.
Relevance of the work: Burba et al. (2014) points out that according to Selje stress is harmful it damages the body, causes various diseases. High and long emotional tension causes damage to the whole body especially the nervous system. Adriaenssens et al. (2015) points out that according to studies conducted from 1989 till 2014 burnout syndrome affects 26 pct. emergency nurses. Meanwhile, in Lithuania Bačinina (2014) investigated that 63,4 pct. of nurses working in the Hospital of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Kauno klinikos children's departments suffer from burnout syndrome. Martinaitytė and Gerikienė (2018) claim that nurses with burnout syndrome feel different health and behavioural changes: loss of joy of life, reduced motivation to work. Work-related stress can affect labour productivity, employee satisfaction in working conditions, mental and physical condition and absenteeism (Carod-Artal and Vazquez-Cabrera, 2012). The Research shows that burnout syndrome is a common phenomenon among health workers which can affect not only human health but also quality of the work. Aim of work: to analyse the prevalence of burnout syndrome among midwives working in hospital X. Objective tasks: 1. To define the concept, symptom, manifestation and prevention of burnout syndrome. 2. Identify the incidence of burnout syndrome among midwives working in the section X of the X hospital. 3. Identify the incidence of burnout syndrome among midwives working in the section Y of the X hospital. 4. Identify the factors that determine burnout syndrome. Methods and contingents: A quantitative study was performed in X and Y sections of the X hospital. Data was collected by questionnaire survey from 1 November 2018 till 30 November 2018. In the study participated 58 midwives. Results and findings: The prevalence of burnout syndrome in section X was 45.7 pct., in section Y was 56,5 pct.. In section X a quarter of participants have experienced a moderate degree and a one - fifth of them have experienced a high degree of emotional exhaustion. Only a few respondents have experienced a high degree of depersonalization. In section Y more than a
quarter participants have experienced moderate and one - fifth of high grade emotional exhaustion. The average and the high degree of depersonalisation have experienced the same parts of the respondents. The one – fifth of the participants felt the average level of personal aspirations. Statistically the significant factors for burnout syndrome were physical stress during the working day; the tension from the manager; the high work requirements, but lack of proper working conditions and insufficient support from colleagues.