Šio darbo tikslas yra suprojektuoti ir sukurti personalo valdymo sistemą. Pirmiausiai atliekama egzistuojančių personalo valdymo sistemų analizę. Atlikus analizę, pradedama projektuoti sistemos ir DB struktūros. Baigus projektavimą yra atliekama realizavimo darbai.
The purpose of this project is to design and develop a personnel management system. In order to make sure that this project is needed, an analysis of existing personnel management systems is performedand there are identify minimum requirements for project implementation. With the requirements, a personnel management system is being designed. Firstly, design changes to the company's network, which will be needed to connect the personnel management system to the network. The structure of the database is then designed using graphical design, this is creating diagrams or other ways to display structure of databases. There are also predictable user actions that can be performed in the personnel management system. Upon completion of the design, a personnel management system is starting to developed. After completion of the realization, a test is performed, during which it is ensured that the system is fully functional. If the test results are satisfactory, a user guide is prepared and, at the end of the project, the amount needed to implement this project is calculated.