Butkus E. „Tinklo mazgų stebėjimo sistemos projektas“. Kompiuterinių tinklų administravimo specialybės baigiamasis darbas. Vadovas: Tomas Zakarevičius, Technologijų fakultetas, Informatikos katedra. Kompiuterinių tinklų administravimas. Kaunas, 2018 – 70 psl.
Butkus E. „Monitoring system project for network devices“ Final thesis of Engineer of Computer Network Administration. Supervisor: Tomas Zakarevičius, Faculty of Technology, Department of Computer Science. Kaunas, 2018 – 71 pages.
IT administrator – the person, who maintains not just the network of the company also he maintains the computers so they work properly. Working in a large company it gets more difficult to maintain huge amount of network devices. The most effective way to see if all devices are working properly, is to see network device resource load. If device is heavily loaded, there is good chance that computer‘s performance may drop and it prevent device to work properly. A professionally developed Monitoring system for network devices, will allow IT administrator to see the resource load of network device in real time.
Nowadays there are some companies that grants monitoring services to the customers, but their services are quite expensive. This work presents a designed and implemented monitoring system for network devices which grants the ability so simplify IT administrator‘s job.