DSpace talpykla

Slaugos ligonių, burnos ertmės priežiūra

Rodyti paprastą įrašą

dc.contributor.author Dražbaitė, Greta
dc.date.accessioned 2019-01-16T12:49:01Z
dc.date.available 2019-01-16T12:49:01Z
dc.date.issued 2018-06
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.kaunokolegija.lt//handle/123456789/177
dc.description Diploma paper work „ Mouth cavity care of the nursing patients“, by G. Dražbaitė, supervisor A. Kepenė; Kaunas College Medicine Faculty, Oral and Teeth Care Department, 2018, Kaunas. The title of the paper work: Mouth cavity care of nursing patients. The urgency of the paper work: According to the data of Lithuanian Department of Statistics, Lithuanian society is getting old. In 2016, was counted that there were 548,5k people who were 65 years old and older, and this number is increasing. Obviously, when person is getting old he/she is facing the illnesses that are common for that age of group. In Lithuania during a year the nursing is afforded for 404k citizens. The patients who get hospitalized in the Nursing Department, usually are not able to take care of themselves. Therefore, the life quality, hygiene habits and mouth cavity care are inclined to change. The aim of the paper work: diagnose the mouth cavity care of the nursing patients. The tasks of the paper work: 1. To describe an individual oral hygiene. 2. To discuss how does change the mouth cavity after experienced illnesses. 3. To disclose how have changed the quality of life, oral habits of the hygiene for the patients when they got into the nursing department. 4. To identify oral hygiene habits of the nursing patients. The methods of the research: In this paper work was performed an analysis of scientific literature and written questioning. To achieve the wider opinion of nursing patients about mouth cavity care, was performed quantitative research. The research occured in Public Institution of Kupiškis Hospital, Nursing Department, from 1st of March to 6th of May on 2018. In the questioning participated 80 respondents – the patients of the Nursing Department. The age range 65 – 90 years. The questionnaire consisted of 20 questions. The analysis of statistics data was carried out by using PSSS (Packet of Social Sciences Statistics) programme. The tables and graphics were made using MS Excel 2016 programme. The results of the research: in the research participated 60% of women, according to the age range groups most of the participants were 76-80 years old (41%). Most of the patients in the Nursing Department are after suffered stroke (22%) and with oncological diseases (17,5 %). The (55%) of the participants of the research, before they got into the Nursing Department were cleaning the teeth. In the Nursing Department there are (29%) persons who can take care of themselves and (71%) who cannot take care of themselves and they need a help. From the group, where they can take care of themselves – 52% are cleaning the teeth, for 42% someone assists to clean the teeth because of their disability. Mostly noticeable changes in the mouth cavity: bleeding gums (27%), decreased slobber (23%), dryness in the mouth (21%), some of the patients did not notice any changes (25%). The participants of the research use oral hygiene tools: casual toothbrush (37%) and tooth-paste (36%). The (39%) of the questioning participants have the removable dentures, but only (35%) of them clean it every evening, moreover (29%) do not pay much attention to it at all. The (39%) questioning participants think, that they could pay more attention taking care of their mouth cavity, and only (16%) think that for them is important the mouth cavity care. The results of the research: after performed written questioning, the results show that the care of mouth cavity for the Nursing Department patients got into worse condition while they were there. en
dc.description.abstract Žmogui senstant susiduriama su ligomis, kurios būdingos vyresnio amžiaus žmonių grupėms. Lietuvoje per metus slauga ir palaikomasis gydymas suteikiamas 404 tūkst. gyventojų. Pacientai patekę į slaugos skyrių dažniausiai negeba savimi pasirūpinti patys, tad pakinta jų burnos ertmės priežiūra. Šio darbo tikslas – nustatyti slaugos ligonių burnos higienos įpročius. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Burnos higiena, slaugos ligoniai, gingivitas en_US
dc.title Slaugos ligonių, burnos ertmės priežiūra en_US
dc.title.alternative Mouth cavity care of the nursing patients en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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